Fun and Stylish Tips for Military Photos

Military photos in front of aircraft are a fantastic opportunity to capture memories and celebrate achievements in style. Whether it's a promotion, deployment, or simply a family milestone, dressing right can make your photos pop! Here are some fun and stylish tips for what to wear:

1. Dress to Impress: Military Style

  • Service Members: Rock your dress uniforms, flight suits, or ABUs! These uniforms not only signify your dedication but also look sharp against the backdrop of a powerful aircraft. Casual clothes are also appropriate for holidays sessions.

2. Family Fashion: Coordination is Key

  • Classic Cool: For family members, aim for classic styles and colors. Think timeless outfits that complement the service member's uniform without stealing the show.
  • Color Coordination: Instead of matching head-to-toe, coordinate colors and styles. This adds a fun twist without looking too uniformed.
  • Avoid: Overly bright colors and neons.

3. Play with Accessories and Footwear

  • Accessorize Smart: Keep accessories tasteful. Opt for subtle pieces that add personality without overwhelming the uniform.
  • Kickin' Kicks: Comfortable footwear is a must! You might be standing on all kinds of surfaces, so choose shoes that are both stylish and practical.

4. Setting the Scene: Dress for the Occasion

  • Weather Warriors: Consider the weather—layers are your best friend. Stay comfortable and stylish no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.

5. Grooming Goals: Look Sharp

  • Hair and Beyond: Ensure everyone's hair and grooming are on point. A little effort goes a long way in making your photos shine.

6. Kids and Pets: Cute and Coordinated

  • Little Stars: If kids or pets are joining in, dress them in comfy yet stylish outfits that match the vibe. Bonus points for adorable accessories!

7. Strike a Pose: Have Fun!

  • Communicate with Your Photographer: Share your vision with the photographer. They can capture the fun and celebrate the moment with you.