The Tilly Project

The Tilly Project is an organization I found after our dog Artemis passed away in November. Knowing that we were never able to have a family session done inspired me to join the project.

The Tilly Project networks over 1,200 photographers to pet owners whose four legged friend is not doing so well (mainly dogs and cats). This is a worldwide organization. Many of the pets you meet will not make it long past the photoshoot.

I am blessed to be apart of this organization. I get to help families grieve their pet, while still getting to help them by having the final moments captured.

How can I find a Tilly Project Photographer?

You can go online and search the Tilly Project. From there you will find your country and state. Also, photographers are listed based on alphabetical order and by city. All of this is to help pet parents navigate the final stages of their furry friends life.