Liberty Church

For the past year, I was blessed with the opportunity to serve Liberty Church: Gulf Breeze Campus. This church has been a home for us, and literally everyone I met there is considered my family. Getting to photograph for them was something I did not know I needed until I decided to volunteer. Being able to lift people through photography has been amazing. Photography for the church not only brings the local community within the church together, it can bring people to the church when they need it the most. I will always cherish everyone I met through this amazing campus. If you or someone you know is about to get stationed at Hurlburt Field AFB, I definitely recommend checking out Liberty Church.

CanvasRebel Magazine

In February of 2023, I was featured as an artist in CanvasRebel Magazine. CanvasRebel highlights up and coming artists throughout the United States and the world. I am blessed and thankful to have been featured.

The Tilly Project

In 2022, I joined the Tilly Project as a volunteer photographer. It was not until this past spring that I did my first session. The Tilly Project offers end of life pet sessions to pet parents. These sessions help with the grief that a family may face when losing a furry companion.

Miracle League of Santa Rosa County

Whenever I got asked to photograph for Miracle League, I was volunteering as a buddy. A buddy is someone who helps the kids or adults to play baseball and understand the game. A person from my church was also volunteering and I met the president of the league for our region through him mentioning that I was a photographer. We discussed how I was a photographer and how I have always loved helping and volunteering within our community. This led me to be able to photograph the Kid's and Adult's All Star Game this past Spring. I loved watching everyone play baseball and the smiles on their faces. I am blessed to have been able to capture these moments for the league.

Military Life/Move

Being a military spouse you always expect that there is a chance you can move, but it does not always mean that you want to move that year. With 2023, we knew there was a chance we could pack up and move. We were at Hurlburt for over 3 years and orders were due to arrive.

When February hit we got issued our orders. It took till May for everything to be Green Lighted for us to move to Cannon AFB and New Mexico. With the move meant leaving my hometown that I had lived in for 25+ years. While it's crazy to leave, we both know there is a reason we are being sent westward.

Aviation Photography

I am grateful to Maj. Josh Sultan of Fat Albert Airlines for my lithographs that are currently hanging in my office. They bring a piece of home even though I am so far away. I have been in aviation photography since early 2019 and it is one of my favorite types of photography.

Grad School

A few months after relocating to New Mexico I started graduate school. I work on school work in the morning and prioritize clients in the afternoon. I will always prioritize my clients. Education has always been important to me. I am in a Masters program that is accelerated and I'm expected to graduate by February of 2025. I am currently studying Masters of Public Administration: Healthcare Management emphasis.


Since we relocated I have begun booking clients. It has been amazing to find new state parks and realize the beauty this area has to offer. While I miss the Florida panhandle, New Mexico is growing on me with the rolling hills and desert scenery. In August after relocating, I took on my first client in New Mexico. This was a month after moving into our house with boxes everywhere. I was up for the challenge and this ended up being one of my favorite sessions.

Squadron Family Photos

This November I was given the opportunity to photograph families of the 6 SOS. Squadron photos has always been something that I have wanted to do for years. As an Air Force spouse, I have an understanding of the environment of squadrons and the importance of portraits in front of the aircraft they or their spouse may fly or work with. Below are some of my favorites.

Updates to Policies

Starting January 2024, a session is not considered booked without a retainer and contract signed. With photography I can hold out certain dates if a session is booked with a contract. This means you are on my calendar and are my top priority for that particular date.

Print Shop

The print shop is linked to galleries. This can be accessed by clicked the shopping cart when viewing galleries. Clients are allowed to print individual images to gallery books. If there are any questions, please contact me.

Thank you everyone! Bring on 2024

2023 was such an amazing year and I cannot wait to see what is ahead in 2024. To all my clients, thank you for believing in me and trusting me with your precious memories. I am truly honored to have been able to capture these important events.